Claude's Full Guide | Mobile Legends

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Who doesn’t know about Mobile Legends? Mobile Legends or the full name, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) mobile game that developed and published by Moonton.

In South Asia, Mobile Legends Player already reach about 43 millions player and most of them is in Indonesia with a percentage of 50% or more.

Okay, so in this article, im going to tell about The Most Powerful Marksman Hero in Mobile Legends for current META.

What hero is that? Its Claude and Dexter (The Monkey)!
So, claude is a hero that brings monkey to fight with him. So strange 😂😂

Back to the topic, im going to give a Full Guide about Claude that will really help you when playing this hero!
Check it out!


We will start with the Hero.
Claude is a Marksman Hero who specialist in Reap/Burst.

This is the status about Claude:
- Durability about 30%
- Offense about 90%
- Ability Effects about 40%
- Difficulty about 90%

Now, we will discuss about Claude’s Skills:

-Passive Skill (Battle Side-by-Side), Dexter will help Claude to launch attack (Where Dexter’s Damage is 35% of Claude’s Damage and of course already added with Damage from Items)

So, Claude attack is 135% which is so insane for a Marksman!

-1st Skill (Art of Thievery), Claude steals 20% of Movement Speed and 10% of Attack Speed of Enemies within a fan-shaped area. Claude also deals 160 (+40% Total Physical Attack) damages when this skill is on First Level. The Movement Speed and Attack Speed steal’s percentage and the damage will increase by level (See picture below).

This steal effects will give Claude, Stack of Art of Thievery. This stack have a maximum amount, 10 stack (so Claude can get 200% of Movement Speed and 100% of Attack Speed when this skill is on First Level.

When this skill hits the enemies or jungles, the stack will increase by 2 for each enemies or jungle. And while this skill hits the minions, the stack will increase by 1 for each minion.

-2nd Skill (Battle Mirror Image), Claude put a mirror image of Dextermeletakkan bayangan Dexter at a designated location. When this sill is active (the Mirror Image lasts for 5.5 seconds), Claude can switch places with the mirror image and go back to first location.

Dexter’s Mirror Image also can attack enemies that within the area of the skill that deals 100% of Dexter’s Damage (35% of Claude’s Damage).

This skill can also attack the tower without being attacked by the tower!

-3rd Skill / Ultimate Skill (Blazing Duet), Claude and Dexter unleash a barrage attack and dealing continuous damage that lasts for 3 seconds to enemies within the surrounding area. This attack considered as basic attack, that’s why effects like Lifesteal and Attack Speed will work on this skill.

This skill also generates a shield that gained based on bullets that hit the enemies.

Minions will receive 400% of this skill damage, so this skill can easily clear the wave of minions (But this skill cooldown is so long, so please use this skill at the right timing).


For the Emblem, there is 2 choices that you can use based on your needs.
Lets discuss it one by one!

-Custom Assasin Emblem, This Emblem must be the most favourable in Mobile Legends. This Emblem also suitable for Claude!

For the structure of the Emblem, you can see in the picture below
(Movement Speed + Physical Penetration + Bounty Hunter)

-Custom Marksman Emblem, This Emblem definitely suitable with all Marksman Heroes.

For the structure of the Emblem, you can see in the picture below
(Physical Attack + Attack Speed + Electro Flash / Weakness Finder)


For Spells, there is 3 choices. This 3 spells can be used by Claude based on your needs.

-Retribution, This Spell actually is a good spell for every hero with good escape skill like Claude, because it can speed up your farming as a Marksman.

-Flicker, This Spell can be used when there are many Stunner or Disabler on enemy team, so you can play safely with Flicker.

-Aegis, This Spell can be used when there are many heroes that have high Burst Damage on enemy team. This Spell can be used along with the Ultimate Skill of Claude to generates more shield and make you unbeatable at a war.


For the Equipment / Build, i recommend 3 Builds here. All of this builds is really amazing for Claude, but i think the most suitable build for Claude is the third one. For Claude, Golden Staff Build is more suitable than Critical Build because Passive of Golden Staff and Passive of Demon Hunter Sword very synchronous with Passive of Claude.

This is explanation for each of the build,
-Full Golden Staff Damage Build
This Build is the main build for Claude and the most often used build for Claude.

1. Demon Shoes, to preserve mana because Claude is a hero that always spamming his First Skill. So with this boots, he can sustain for a long time in the lane.
2. Demon Hunter Sword, to strengthen the Passive Effect of Claude.
3. Golden Staff, to strengthen the Passive Effect of Demon Hunter Sword and Passive Effect of Claude.
4. Wind of Nature, to sustain from physical damage from enemy heroes. This item is often used along side the Ultimate Skill of Claude, so Claude can give more damages without getting hitted.
5. Corrosion Scythe, to give the slow effect on Claude Basic Attack and can be used to slow the enemy when using Ultimate Skill
6.Blade of Despair, increase the damage of Claude
-Lifesteal Counter Build
This Build can be used when there are many Heroes that have a lot of Lifesteal on enemy team, such as Miya, Fanny, Alucard, Hanabi, Alice, etc.

-Critical Build
This Build makes Claude Basic Attack become very big, but the lack is the Ultimate Skill of Claude doesn’t give too much damage.


-Best Lane: Top/Bottom Lane (Sidelane).
-Best Partner: Tank that can Stunning / Disabling enemy heroes, such as Chou, Minotaur, Gatotkaca, Hylos, etc. Or Tank that have high damage such as Grock.
-Best Formation: 2 1 2

Gameplay of Claude:
1. First, clear the minions as fast as possible (Ask the Tank to help you secure the EXP and Gold from Minions).
2. Then take the Blue Buff with the tank (if you are given the Blue Buff) and clear the lane again.
3. Try to get the Gold Buff, because it will affect your Gameplay.
4. Tank may Roam and leave Claude alone or Claude can follow the Tank to Roam (Because Claude can sustain from tower diving with his Ultimate Skill and his 2nd Skill)
5. Roam to the Mid Lane if there is nothing to do on your Lane to clear the Minions on Mid Lane so it can speed up your net worth.
6. Focus to do Split Push on your Lane when your teammate is stalling the enemy.
7. If you see your team is on a war and you can help them, just help! Because maybe with your help, your team will win the war.
8. Roam to Other Lane after you destroyed one tower one your Lane to help them destroy Other Lane towers too. Try to play as neat as possible.
9. Kill the Lord if possible and if you got Wind of Nature already (Ask your teammate to stall the enemy while you solo to kill the Lord)
10. The rest depends on your Positioning. Can you positioning yourself as good as possible? Or not? I can only tell you my style to play this hero. But that’s all is obtained by experience!
11. And last, Enjoy your Victory!

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