Fake Cheat and Rumor About Harvest Moon : Back To Nature

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In Harvest Moon: Back to Nature there are also several rumors and cheats floating around that it turns out are not true.

Putting your dog inside your hothouse

Protecting your Hothouse during a Hurricane or Blizzard

Once you buy the hothouse during the summer or winter when there is a Hurricane or Blizzard there is a chance that your hothouse can be destroyed.
There was a rumor floating around that if you left your doginside the hothouse it couldn’t be destoryed. This is false and while I was testing things for this site I had my hothouse destroyed 4 times in one year even though my dog was inside. If your dog is inside and the hothouse gets destroyed you’ll find your dog outside randomly wandering around your farm.

The underground pond

Infinite Water for your Watering Can

Another rumor about this videogame says that if you fill your watering can with water from the pond at the bottom of the Winter Mine you’ll have infinite water.
This is completely false. No matter what watering can you’re using it’ll still only hold a maximum of 100 units of water.


Using the small stones to build fences

You can use the small stones to build fences instead of lumber. Your animals won’t be able to get out of inside them and they won’t break like fences made with lumber.
However wild dogs can go right through the rocks and spook your animals so there’s really no point to doing this if you plan to leave your animals outside over night. If you do decide to leave your animals outside which is more trouble than it’s worth in my opinion you have to build wood fences and repair them when they get broken.
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